Master's Degree Graduation Show Sep 2007
Artist's Statement: The Seven Seals
For this exhibition I have been engaged in finding a way to bring a conclusion to my former work, a contemporary interpretation of the apocalyptic Garden of Earthly Delights - Hieronymus Bosch (1450 - 1516), by exploring the idea that John’s vision in Revelations witnessing the opening of the seven seals as prophecy is now expected and inevitable. A contemporary hermeneutic artwork describing “The end of the world”.
This work has evolved through process experiments with media such as photocopying, printmaking and collage which I then scanned into the computer and manipulated using the programme Photoshop. As I started layering the images together random forms and marks started appearing distorting my original concept to form new images.
It was almost as if another programme was at work behind the process and so developed its own digital interpretation of my ideas. The final decision to display these 7 images through the medium of film was made as each transition could dissolve and re-appear until finally fading out at the end into nothingness...........the viewer becomes a witness to my own vision of apocalypse, an ending where the viewer understands that after them there is no one else...ever...
This work has evolved through process experiments with media such as photocopying, printmaking and collage which I then scanned into the computer and manipulated using the programme Photoshop. As I started layering the images together random forms and marks started appearing distorting my original concept to form new images.
It was almost as if another programme was at work behind the process and so developed its own digital interpretation of my ideas. The final decision to display these 7 images through the medium of film was made as each transition could dissolve and re-appear until finally fading out at the end into nothingness...........the viewer becomes a witness to my own vision of apocalypse, an ending where the viewer understands that after them there is no one else...ever...
Film: YouTube link:
Master's Degree 1st Year Show Jun 2007
Artist's Statement: Garden of Earthly Delights
"We want to inhabit paradise, but when we picture it in detail or try to create it on earth it has a tendency to become hell". For this exhibition I have been engaged with exploring a new interpretation of the Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch (1450 - 1516). I have tried to reflect the visually strange, transformed and alienated otherworld-ness that permeates the altarpiece through a presence of the grotesque incorporated into a contemporary visual language. My work has evolved through process experiments with media such as photocopying, printmaking and collage to produce a story board format that can be visualised as either a magazine feature or a TV/film journalistic documentary. This interpretation deals with ideas related to the human condition, fundamentally exposing humans as vulnerable and naïve in their struggle to evolve whilst juggling a precarious relationship with the planet they inhabit. The apocalyptic conclusion takes into consideration the Gaia Theory where the earth and the living things on it form a single, self-maintaining living system that suggests humanity is a small part of a vast universal collective.
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